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ORIGINAL TITLE:  De chica en chica

DIRECTED BY:  Sonia Sebastián

STARS: Celia Freijeiro, Cristina Pons, Sandra Collantes, Maria Botto, Maria Ballesteros, Marina San Jose, Adrián Lastra, Ismael Martínez, Jaime Olias, Eulalia Ramón, Estefanía de los Santos, Sabrina Praga, Paulina Gálvez, Jane Badler, Mar Ayala

RUNTIME:  88 minutes

GENRE:  Comedy

SYNOPSIS: For ten years, Inés has lived the ‘American Dream’ in Miami. But when she’s caught cheating on her girlfriend, her world crumbles around her. For the first time in years, Inés questions what she wants in life: It’s time to get back to Spain. 




«This film is stimulating, clever, full of humor, morally unashamed, technically masterful and

El Mundo



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